The City has long embraced green initiatives. When Evergy offered a renewable energy option, Merriam signed up. Several Merriam Police Department’s vehicles are hybrids. We’ve earned the title of Tree City USA for more than 35 years.
In 2021, Merriam City Councilmembers adopted the Kansas City Regional Climate Action Plan to continue our commitment toward building a more sustainable future. The same year, City employees created the Green Team to meet the Climate Action Plan’s goals and further the City’s green impact.
Other sustainability initiatives include:
- Offering programs for residents such as the Residential Sustainability Grant, free home energy-saving kits, free tree grant, and Contain the Rain program.
- Hosting an annual recycling event for electronics and paper shredding.
- Partnering with neighbor cities on the Go Green Fair.
- Planting a tree at both elementary schools for Arbor Day every year.
- Installing EV charging stations at City Hall, the Merriam Community Center, and Merriam Marketplace.
- Installing LED lights in traffic signals, streetlights, and City buildings.
- Reducing energy consumption in buildings with programable thermostats and motion sensor lights.
- Digitizing services to use less paper.
- Planting pollinator gardens at Merriam Historic Plaza, along the Turkey Creek Streamway Trail, and Waterfall Park.
- Adopting an idle reduction policy for City vehicles.
- Adopting a complete streets ordinance for pedestrian and bike traffic.
How you can be environmentally friendly in Merriam
Apply for a Residential Sustainability Grant through the City. Install energy saving systems, including solar panels, high efficiency HVAC, insulation, energy efficient windows and doors, and geothermal heating and cooling.
▶ Plant a free tree in your yard! Apply for the Tree Grant and Heartland Tree Alliance will help you select, plant, and care for your new free tree.
Eat locally grown food. Shop at the Merriam Farmers' Market every Saturday, May–September.
Compost food scraps. You can get a $150 rebate from the City if you purchase a compost bin. Drop-off or curbside composting services are also available.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. The most effective way to reduce waste is to not create it in the first place! Reduction and reuse save natural resources, protect the environment, and save money.
Recycle curbside or find drop-off services on Make sure to let recycling items be loose in the bins – bagged items may end up in the landfill! Learn more on Johnson County's Recycling 101.
Recycle glass in the purple Ripple Glass bin at IKEA, or sign up for curbside collection.
Convert household lightbulbs to LED.
Build a rain garden, plant native trees, or get a rain barrel to help reduce stormwater runoff. The City's Contain the Rain provides a 50% match up to $2,250.
Use RideKC Micro Transit to share a lift with local riders. Merriam Town Center is now a featured destination!
▶ Learn about electric vehicles, incentives, and how to charge through Plug-In KC.
Find a list of certified green organizations across Johnson County and connect with free sustainability consultants with the Johnson County Green Business Program.
Find tips on how to do a home energy audit, steps to weatherizing your home, tips for appliances, and many more resources to help you save energy at home on
Set up usage alerts and find tips on water and our environment at
Do a home energy analysis, compare with your neighbors, and find many ways to save at You can even subscribe to use wind energy for your home.
Save money with energy-savings tools and tips on