Brown Memorial Park

Brown Park sign

The initial park obtained by the City of Merriam in July 1975 included eight lots in two blocks of the South Park subdivision.  The park was named for Esther Brown, a local resident who organized citizen support for the 1949 Webb v. School District 90 case. This case set the background for the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education lawsuit. An additional lot was added in 1995 and 2006. In 2007, the city agreed to lease .84 acres from South Gate Lodge on a one-year term with 24 automatic renewals creating the 3.68 linear park we enjoy today.  

The goal of the City of Merriam to create a place that invites interaction between neighbors and visitors.  Provide activities that draw people together. Although not a simple undertaking, the rewards to the community are profound. We invite you to explore Brown Park and enjoy the improvements that have been made to create a place you will want to visit time and time again.

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Shelter Rental Information


5040 Booker St, Merriam 66203  View Map

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