Municipal Court

Court gavel

Merriam Municipal Court is the judicial branch of the City, handling all traffic and city ordinance violations. The Municipal Court's responsibility is to guarantee the lawful rights of all who are brought before it.

There are no jury trials held in Municipal Court. A judge conducts all trials under the Code of Criminal Procedure, the Code of Municipal Courts, the Kansas Rules of Evidence, and the City of Merriam Municipal Code. Merriam's Municipal Court hears nearly 800 cases each month. 

The Municipal Court is not the Johnson County District Court. District Court has jurisdiction over serious criminal offenses, divorce and domestic relations, damage suits, probate and administration of estates, guardianships, conservatorships, care of the mentally ill, juvenile matters, and small claims.

Pay a Fine

You may pay fines online, in person, by drop box, or mail. The drop box is located inside the doors to City Hall on the left. Please include your ticket with your payment. The Court accepts cash, money order, cashier's checks, and credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express). You may also pay by check unless you are paying for a license reinstatement or an issued warrant.

Pay Fines

Amended Ticket (Keeping a Ticket Off Your Record)
If you want to keep a traffic citation from showing on your driving records, you may request your ticket be amended. The prosecutor can do this as long as there wasn't an accident related to your ticket, you haven't had a ticket amended in the last 12 months in the City of Merriam, and there is a fine on your ticket.

The fee for an amended ticket is double the fine amount plus administration fees. You can get your ticket amended at the Municipal Court clerk's office at City Hall or you may email the request to

The Court can't accept payments if your case was sent to collections. You'll need to contact the Collection Bureau of Kansas directly at 866-858-3636.

Search for Cases

Find your court date or balance due by searching Merriam Municipal Court Public Access. 

Search by Name or Date of Birth (DOB): click "Searches" (located at top left). Click on "Case Searches" and "By Party." You can search by last name, first name, or DOB. Once you've located the name you're looking for, click on the case number to the right. 

Search by Citation Number: click "Searches" (located at top left). Click on "Citation Search." Enter the citation number. The citation number is located in the upper right hand of your ticket. Once you've located the citation you're looking for, click on the citation number or case number to the right. 

Search by Police Case Number: click "Searches" (located at top left). Click on "Police Reference Search." Enter the case number (the format will be XX-XXXXX). Once you've located the case you're looking for, click on the police case number or court case number to the right.   

Find My Case

Appearing in Court

Check in with the Bailiff when you arrive. If it is not your scheduled court day, check in with the Court Clerk at the second window in the lobby. 

Courtroom Rules

  • Silence your cell phone. 
  • No food or drink is allowed in the courtroom. 
  • Hats should not be worn in the courtroom. 
  • Loud verbal outbursts or inappropriate behavior won’t be tolerated.

Court security officers and court staff are authorized to open and inspect any item carried into the courtroom.

Individuals who don’t follow these rules will be asked to leave the courtroom and may face criminal charges.

Failure to Appear/Warrants

If you have a warrant out of the City of Merriam or you miss a court date, the Court has walk-in dockets on Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. Go to the Municipal Court clerk's office at City Hall and let them know you are there for the walk-in docket and need to see the judge or prosecutor.

A defendant is allowed one continuance off the arraignment docket. The continuance may be for up to 30 days. Any continuance needed after that will have to be done in front of the judge or prosecutor at the court date.

Call 913-322-5540 to ask for a continuance or send an email request to


If you were charged with No Proof of Liability Insurance and you have valid insurance for the time of the traffic stop, you have 10 days to provide the proof after the date of the ticket issued. 

There are several ways you can provide this proof:  

  • In person: We will accept the information off your phone or a paper copy.
  • Email: - Please include a copy of the ticket or ticket number.    
  • Fax: 913-322-5545 - Please also fax a copy of the ticket with proof of insurance. Make sure your phone number is included so we can contact you if there are any questions.

The proof of insurance is sent to Topeka to be verified. This takes about 90 days. The Court will dismiss the insurance charge if your proof of insurance is verified. If your insurance is invalid, we will send you a letter with a new court date for you to appear in front of the judge.

Driver's License Questions
Call the Kansas Department of Revenue if you have any questions regarding the status of your Kansas driver's license at 785-296-3671.

Request Court Records

Complete the records request form for cases processed in Merriam Municipal Court. Record requests require three business days to fill. 

Request Court Records

Drivers License Reinstatement

Pursuant to SB500, the Court has set for the following policy relating to a modification of a defendant’s restricted or suspended driver’s license upon the finding of substantial compliance with court orders.

The Court has the discretion to notify the Kansas Department of Revenue that a Defendant is in substantial compliance after the Defendant has completed a Financial Affidavit and appears in front of the Judge on a Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. or a Thursday at 4 p.m.

For a Defendant to meet this criteria:

  • The Defendant must have a Kansas Driver’s License
  • The case has a disposition
  • The Defendant been assessed a reinstatement fee due to their license being suspended by the City of Merriam
  • There is a balance due on the case

If the case is in warrant status and does not have a disposition:

  • The Defendant will need to come to Court (on the days/times above).  
  • The Defendant will need to go to the Court Clerk’s window to have them pull your paperwork.
  • The Defendant will need to see the Judge to have the warrant set-aside.
  • Upon disposition of your case, ask the Judge for an Affidavit of Indigency to fill out.        

After reviewing the Affidavit, the Judge will then determine what action, if any, he will order on the case.

You MUST fill out an Affidavit of Indigency before you can speak to the Judge regarding your suspension. This can be done by:

  1. Fill out and submit the form online. You may also request a paper copy to fill out from the court clerk. 
  2. A copy will be submitted to the Court and emailed to you.  You MUST still appear in Court after sending the form in.
  3. You can request a printed copy of your completed Affidavit from the court clerk or you can print on your own.
  4. You must sign and date the Affidavit. 
  5. Present the Affidavit to the Judge for his ruling. 

Submit Affidavit


Driver's License Questions
Call the Kansas Department of Revenue if you have any questions regarding the status of your Kansas driver's license at 785-296-3671.