Streetlight LED Retrofit Kits

Closed June 11, 2024, 01:00 PM

The City of Merriam currently has a total of 1,864 streetlights throughout the City located on residential, collector, and arterial streets. The majority of the streetlights consist of High Pressure Sodium (HPS) luminaires, but the City is in the process of converting these luminaires to LEDs. 

The City has been awarded a federal Carbon Reduction Grant to convert a portion of these streetlight luminaires from HPS to LEDs. 

Scope of Work

 The City requests a bid for the following equipment: 

  • Sentry Electric Hamlet LED Retrofit Kits (LEDV29B - 1 .4A - 830 - KHT4 - FP - SLH - RETROKIT)
  • Sentry Electric Central Park Tulip Series LED Retrofit Kits (LEDV29B - 1.05A - 830 - KHT3 - DR - SCP - RETROKIT - BK)

Specifications for each item are in the bid packet. 

A unit cost is requested for each type of luminaire based on the range of quantities listed in the bid fee schedule. Once the low bidder has been identified based on unit cost, the City will determine the actual quantity to be purchased. 

This proposal is for materials only (including shipping costs) and all labor will be provided by City of Merriam crews. Materials may be delivered separately on pallets; however, all materials must be shipped and received by the City within 4 to 5 months after the bid and contract is approved and executed by City Council. 

Terms and Conditions

  1. The City of Merriam reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids and to waive any technicalities or irregularities therein. Bids may be modified or withdrawn by written request of the bidder received in the office of City Clerk, prior to the time and date for bid opening.
  2. From and after the release of this Notice, any party intending to bid on the above­referenced Project, including their officers, employees, agents, or contractors, are specifically prohibited from communicating with any elected or appointed official of the City, directly or indirectly, with regard to the award of the contract for the Project listed above. Any such unauthorized communication may result in the automatic disqualification of such bidder.
  3. The City of Merriam reserves the right to discontinue its evaluation of submittals from any respondents who submit false, misleading or incorrect information.
  4. The time of completion of the Work is a basic consideration of the Contract. Before the Owner awards the Contract, the Bidder shall satisfy the Owner of their ability to complete the Work within the time limits stipulated in this Notice to Bidders.
  5. The vendor shall pay all taxes, except sales taxes, that may be lawfully assessed against the Owner in the execution and performance of the Work covered thereby. The unit prices in the bid include all such taxes.
  6. It is the Owner's intention to secure an exemption certificate for this project permitting the vendor to purchase materials without payment of the sales or compensating tax.

Bid Submittal Requirements

  • All Bids shall be made on the bid fee schedule form provided in this document along with the signed acceptance of the Terms and Conditions. All Bids shall be legibly written in ink, with all prices given in figures.
  • All Bids shall be submitted to Merriam City Hall (9001 W. 62nd St., Merriam, KS 66202) in sealed envelopes addressed to the CITY OF MERRIAM, KANSAS, ATTN: JULI PINNICK, CITY CLERK, and marked "Bid for Streetlight LED Retrofit Kits Project".
  • No oral telegraphic, telephonic proposals or alterations will be considered. Facsimile transmissions will not be accepted.
  • Sealed Bids will be received from qualified bidders to the City of Merriam, Kansas until 1 :00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, at which time and place all Bids will be publicly opened and read. Bids received after the designated closing time will be returned unopened.
  • Each Bid and signed acceptance of the Terms and Conditions must be signed in ink by the bidder with the bidder's full name, name of firm or corporation, business address or place of residence, and telephone number.
  • Approval of the Bid and Contract is estimated to occur in June 2024.


Questions regarding this Notice To Bidders should be in writing, directed via e-mail only, to Celia Kumke, FINAL DATE FOR QUESTIONS will be June 5, 2024. All questions will be issued in an addendum which will be posted on City of Merriam website and Drexel Technologies.

Bid Packet

Complete bid information and submission requirements can be found in the bid packet.

Streetlight LED Retrofit Kits Bid Packet(PDF, 961KB)